Youth Digital eXponential Initiave

The South African Digital Content Organisation (SADICO) is boldly pioneering the establishment of the SADICO Youth Digital eXponential (YDx) initiative, a project that has been under development and testing with various communities since 2010. The project is being rolled out in partnership with the public and private sector, notably the National, Provincial and Local government of South Africa and major corporates such as Exxaro. The Project is targeting unemployed youth in communities, primarily those with Grade 12 matriculation. The project also accommodates 30% of the accepted candidates who only have Grade 10 completion. Thereby ensuring acceptance of the best Grade 10 individuals. The design of the project is centred around empowerment of the youth with Digital Technology and the 4th Industrial Revolution Skills, both theory and practice, and forming the youth into technology co-operatives located and operating in the communities in which they live.

The youth will then be trained in the following:

Digital Technology
  Featuring Telecommunications, Information Technology, Broadcasting and the Internet. This training covers both theory as well as practical skills such as Cell Phone Repair, Web Development, Digital Migration for the community, Cyber Security, safe community email service and many other practical skills to empower the youth to implement their skills with immediate effect.

Introduction to the 4th Industrial Revolution
  Featuring the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (Ai), Nanotechnology, Robotics, 3D Printing, Autonomous Vehicles, Cryptocurrency and Cyber Security. With the view of enabling the youth to be involved in this major global shift and for them to actively usher their respective communities towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, these skills are then linked directly to community opportunities for the youth, A phenomenon then begins taking place.